Saturday, August 8, 2009

Goodbye, and Thank You

If there's anyone out there still checking in on this blog, I wanted to take this opportunity to formally sign off. After a lot of thought and a fair amount of agonizing, I've made the bittersweet decision to move on from More Ways to Waste Time.

More importantly, I wanted to give my sincere thanks to you for reading, whether it's been for the entire two-plus years and 1,500 or so posts that have elapsed since I began this blog, or whether you found yourself here just recently. I've truly enjoyed highlighting the work of so many inspired artists, craftspeople, and independent retailers, delighted in every last one of your comments and emails, and cherished the many online friendships that have resulted.

All my best to all of you.


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Sara said...


Heidi said...

Oh, I'm so sad that you're going! I love your blog... your ebay finds are AMAZING! Before you leave, might you consider posting about how you are able to find such wonderful things on ebay amongst the millions of bits of junk? I'm glad to hear that you're not deleting your blog altogether... there are a few articles that I like to reference back to.

Sad day. :-( You'll be missed!

Unknown said...

That's sad. I enjoyed reading your blog...

ita darling. said...

GOod luck with your future endeavors. I have enjoyed reading your blog and really appreciate what you have done.

Best wishes!

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry to see you go - I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks so much for all the great info and inspiration. Best wishes for all your next journeys!

Laura said...

I second Heidi's comment - I loved reading your blog and your ebay finds were always fabulous. I too would love a 'how to' - I never find such treasures!

Really sorry to see you go...

more is jess said...

So sad...I had just discovered your blog a couple of months ago. Thank goodness for archives.

Good luck with everything!

Leah said...

Thanks, everyone.

Heidi and Laura, I shared some of my eBay secrets here.

Katie said...

Best of luck Leah!!! You were one of our first blogger connections and we will always remember More Ways to Waste Time fondly!

lindsey said...

Leah, thank you for what I know must have been hours and hours each week you put into keeping this blog. I've been subscribed for some time now and loved your insights into Oakland (40 minutes away, but might as well be the moon some days). Best of luck on your next endeavor!

Beth said...

Thank you! Best of luck in your next adventure, whatever that may be. I'm sure you will be successful in that as well. You've done a great job and should be proud of your accomplishments. I've been silently following for a year now and will miss your updates. :)

Pigtown*Design said...

Leah... I am so sad to hear this news, but I am glad you're not taking it down completely. I am always so amazed at what you manage to share with your readers, especially the ebay things.

All of the very best in your future escapades!


Anonymous said...

I was SO bummed to read this. I have been checking in on your blog for quite awhile now. I hope it wasnt for the lack of support you felt...Yours was an awesome site! PLEASE let us know if you start up something else!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I enjoyed your blog for the past year. Good luck with your next project.

Lane_in_PA said...

The internet has just become a lot less fun.

Farewell my Morning Uplift over a cup of coffee. I will miss you. You introduced me and a lot of other people to truly wondrous things, you really had the eye for beauty and a radar for cool stuff in a world filled with junk.

Take care.

Susan said...

oh. darn. Long time lurker who has really enjoyed your site. You find the greatest stuff. Best to you.

Jennifer said...

Oh no! :( Well... good luck in whatever you decide to do next. We will all miss reading and looking! Thanks!

Stacy said...

Sad to hear! I enjoyed your blog as well! If you're in a rut - it happens to the best of us - everyone gets blog burnout I think.

Annie Pazoo said...

Leah- thank you so much for all that you put into the blog. It has been such a pleasure to read your posts (and get inspired by your e-bay finds!). Although I'm mostly just a lurker, I've been following for some time, and have enjoyed checking in from time to time. Have fun with your new ventures, wherever they may lead you!

Anonymous said...

I was just introduced to your blog and inspired by all it had to offer. I am so sad to see you go!

Robin. said...

Leah, this is such sad news. i came across your blog over a year ago when i googled something about oakland and found your post about why it's such a wonderful place... and i didn't know it was the best weather in the country till you informed me! i have been inspired to do projects based on the artwork and such that you have posted here and have attended events because you recommended them here. in fact, your blog was one of the reasons i started my blog. i never quite understood the concept of blogging until i found yours and liked it so much i was motivated to figure it all out... and because of my blog i just scored my dream job after a year of unemployment. so please know, if you feel it "didn't quite work out" you have left your mark in a big way and shall be missed. thank you for everything and I wish you happiness in all your future endeavors.


Unknown said...

a big thank you for all the work and care you put into your blog--i enjoyed reading it very much. best of luck to you.

Sara said...

I am going to miss your blog very much!! good luck to you!!!!

Jo Walker said...

Thank you Leah for all the inspiration you have given us.

jen j-m said...

i'm so sad to read this. you were one of my very favorites for so many reasons. best of luck with whatever is next - you'll be missed!

Chookooloonks said...

I only found you a few months ago -- thanks for the memories, if only for a short time!


huebscher said...

you will most certainly be missed. best of luck with whatever you're on to, and please look me up if you're ever in austin!

Mily said...

Thank you, Leah. I was an avid reader who never commented before today. I loved your blog and your family anecdotes, as well as your ebay finds! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.


maja said...

very bummed out about this...such a great local design blog. i'll really miss it!

Paris Hotel Boutique said...

Oh Leah, I'm really going to miss your blog. Me and lots of others! You've put so much time into it and it's been a pleasure reading. Will I still be able to find you on Facebook?

Marisa said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to see you go, I've really enjoyed your site! I wish you all good things for whatever comes next.

Making it Lovely said...

Thank you for all the time you put into this blog, and for all the inspiration and beautiful things you've shared. You'll be missed.

abbersnail said...

Thank you for everything you've put out into the world. Your beautiful blog will be sorely missed!

Michelle said...

I felt like I had my own personal designer/shopper who totally got my taste. Bummer for me, but best of luck to you in whatever you do.

artemis said...

I'll miss your posts a lot! :( Please do leave the archives up, though---both your posts and all your links to others around the blogosphere and beyond have been wonderful to have. Good luck with whatever lies ahead!

jefdesigns said...

gonna miss you, leah. thanks for being such a champion of the independent arts and design!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a wonderful blog - I really loved all the info about Oakland and SF you shared. You are a great writer and sourcer of cool and delightful design. I learned so much from you. All the best to you in your future endeavors.
julie p.

Anonymous said...

oh no! Your blog was one of all time favorites! Good luck in your future...and you will be greatly missed!! You have a great sense of style, in your home and all other aspects of well. Your ebay finds will be sorely missed!!


Unknown said...

oh... i'm sad. I just started reading and really enjoyed your blog. Good luck to you in your future endeavors! :)

Alli said...

Best of luck to you! Your blog has been in my reader for a long time now and I am always so impressed by the things you find on ebay and etsy. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a shame as I too really enjoyed your blog! I do understand it must be quite time consuming to maintain though... good luck in whatever you choose to do with your time instead. Warm regards, Joanna.

Unknown said...

Elvis has left the buiding...

Randie said...

I only recently discovered your blog a couple of months ago, but I have loved all your finds and will miss reading about them. Good luck for the future!

HELLO TIGER! said...

I'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

I bought one of your Ebay finds! Now who will do our personal shopping? Thanks for the work you put into the blog and all the best!

Kathryn Smart said...

This makes me sad as yours was one of my favourite blogs that I subscribe too. Thanks for introducing me to so many new artists and designers - I really appreciate that and all the hard work you put into the blog. You will be missed!

DetJessandalltherest said...

Oh no! I am saddened to hear this! I have used your sight as a reference for ideas and inspiration for a long time. You will be missed in OKC...

Unknown said...

sad to see you go.

Myers said...

Agree with everyone else- this blog will be much missed. I appreciated your ebay picks- LOVED your finds. Some of your voyeur posts hugely influenced my home. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...


I love your blog. It will be missed!

Unknown said...

bummer!!! i'll miss your blog :(

Julia said...

Another one chiming in about how much I will miss you... I stumbled acorss you over a year ago looking something up on Google. And added you to my reader immediately. I read every single post and book marked WAY too many things. =) I hope someday you will come back!

Christy said...

So sorry to hear. I know running these blogs is a lot of work. Yes, I still checked in on your blog. It always loads really slow for me so that would keep me from checking it more.
Best of luck on your future projects.

Birdsong Designs said...

You have one of the better decorating/design blogs out there, it's sad to see you go! Best to you,


Lisa Mackay said...

oh boo. I just found your blog and out of the 60-some-odd blogs in my google reader, I always get most excited when I see a new post from yours! It seems we have exactly the same taste as I always love your picks and especially your ebay finds, as everyone has mentioned. The blogosphere will be missing a real gem in you, but having tried to keep up a blog, I know how incredibly time consuming it can be! All the best in you real-life pursuits. :)

accidentallydomesticated said...

Wow! Like so many others I've only just recently found you. I guess I have your archives or what's left thereof to go through. I really enjoyed your voice & your ebay finds were always so well curated & considered. May your wanderings in life take you on great happy adventures.

Jackie said...

So bummed you are not continuing with your blog. I have gotten so many great ideas and inspirations over here and thank you for that. Glad you are keeping it up for awhile-I will definitely go back through your archives for one last hurrah.

Kelly said...

I will miss the blog & your great Ebay finds. Hopefully the deleting decision was not because of some anger or bitterness (I know when I get in that mode, I get very tempted to hit that button, myself.) Cheers, and hope we find you out there again on the 'net someday.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss the House Voyeur and House in Progress posts. They were so inspiring!

72 and sunny said...

WHAT??? leah! no!! who's going to be my ebay shopper? who's going to show me their super cool pad with fox art.

dammit. Just take a break. put the cone around the neck and ignore it for awhile. Then come back to it.

Anonymous said...

So sad...

Anonymous said...

I agree with beachbungalow8. Take a long break Leah, but please come back someday, you're truly missed.

Desiree said...

You'll be greatly missed!!
Best wishes!

Mel at notbeige said...

Leah - I can't believe it, it's such a shame you're going :( I've been such a fan of your blog since I discovered it - you've been a real inspiration to me. Whatever happens, you should be really proud. All the best xx

Lulu said...

I freaked out when I went to your website and it said it didn't exist anymore... thanks for leaving it up.

Mackenzi said...

Ah, no, say it ain't so! Of all the many (many!) blogs I've both read and advertised my little shop on, yours was the one I loved best. Best of luck in your new endeavors, whatever those may be. A big hug from NYC.

22209 said...

Thank you for all the time you've put into this! I'll miss this blog.

Danielle and Clint said...

:-(. Please keep us followers posted on what you decide to do next! You created a great collection of finds. As you can see, you have a lot of fans.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this came as a shock to me! More Ways to Waste Time is the first blog I ever subscribed to and it is what made me interested in blogs. It has definetly been my favorite blog! I saw the Parzinger Lotus lamp for the first time on your blog, and thanks to that I now have my own Lotus lamp here in Norway. I will miss your blog :( Best wishes for the future!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes, Leah. I will really miss this blog. This is a sad day for many, but obviously the right thing for you. Please let us know where we can find you next!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely miss your blog, especially your keen ebay picks! Thanks so much for giving your time to total strangers. It was appreciated. Take care and best of luck.

Unknown said...

Sad! I just tuned in about a month ago, and I have really enjoyed your blog! Please leave it up, its full of beautiful things and great ideas

Caracas said...

This is the only blog I checked DAILY, along with designspongeonline and apartmenttherapy. I have a lump in the pit of my stomach. I do hope you come back - the post that got me was the modernist house in house voyeur.

Amy H. said...

OMG no!! I just found your blog today!! I was all ready to subscribe and i see your latest post is a goodbye note. so sad, i have really enjoyed the last few hours digging through your archives, thank you for keeping them up!

Anonymous said...

Total bummer. I will miss your wonderful blog.

Leah said...

Wow, everybody. Thank you SO much for your very kind send-off.

I feel so much sadder about this than I expected to. I'll miss the blog dearly, and all of you.

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry to see you go, but I understand that you might need a change or a new adventure.

I enjoyed your blog very much - good luck to you!

lily said...

very sad to hear that you're signing off! i've really enjoyed your blog.

iozl said...

I can't believe you're going to end this blog, it was one of my nightly retreats! Being in Portland, I really liked your posts on our awesome city, and of course all of the great eBay finds.... Darn!

Anonymous said...

Dear Leah,
so very sorry to see your delightful blog ending....I was attracted by the name "more ways to waste time"!! Just seeing that in print made me smile.....I feel that my time on the computer is more often than not 'wasted time' but never your site...wonderful ebay finds....home design..unique art work .....clever commentary....
I shall miss it all!!! Many thanks to you for sharing and all the hard work that went into your site.
Kindest regards,Missy from the bayou

Anonymous said...

Shame you're stopping writing here. Been a lurker for a long time now and I've greatly enjoyed your blog - it is in my top 5 list of favorite blogs ever. You will be missed! Much luck in your endeavors!

BenBirdy1 said...

Oh crud. I'll miss my dose of aspirational, inspirational window shopping. xo

Unknown said...

I will miss your blog and great design finds, but wish you the best!

Bets said...

Thank you Leah for sharing so many wonderful thoughts with your readers! Your blog has kept me laughing and inspired. My walls now have beautiful art by many of the artists you showcased in your blog and your words have inspired me to be more creative. Wishing you only happiness and joy in your next adventure!

Rebecca said...

Leah, I've loved reading you! I wish you all the best.

Vasudha Narasimhan said...

I am in tears reading this... i was a regular here....will miss u a lot...:(

Alicia B. Designs said...

Hi Leah,
You were one of my first design blogs that I started reading. Thanks so much for all your inspiration. We are tres sad that you're done but don't feel bad about moving on. You're amazing! I hope everything is okay and good luck in all your future endeavors. Thanks!
Alicia B.

Unknown said...

Hi, I've just discovered your AMAZING blog to read the CLOSED sign. It's not fair. Please, please, please, don't erase it. It's filled with inspiring ideas and you've worked so hard in it!! xoxo from Spain.


cindy c. said...

I had just discovered your blog and hope you reconsider your decision. Perhaps, you can just take a break and regroup, we love your cute and fun blog!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to pore over the previous posts that I haven't read since I'm a fairly new reader. So please don't delete your 2+ years of hard work.

Anyways, good luck to your new endeavor.

Cynthia said...


As I said before...It was NEVER a "waste of time" reading your blog! You will truly be missed, and thank you for the decision to leave the site up for now. And I (we all) hope that perhaps you will return one day... Take care, and much luck!


KathleenG said...

Leah-- I've loved reading your blog- you've got a fine eye for art, style and decor. I wish you the very best and hope you won't think of your blog as something that didn't work out. You've got a loyal following for a reason!


Cardboard said...

Aw crap, Leah! Such sad news. You are still the best though. And I'm glad you've decided to leave the site up. Hope you'll opt for a blogger reunion tour soon. Happiness to you & your family!

Anonymous said...

Your blog will be greatly missed by this reader!!! Please keep us informed of any future endeavors you find yourself in.


Ana Herda said...

Say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

I've been a silent reader for the last year or so and have loved your blog. Your blog is the first blog I open up at work (and I am picky!). I trust your eye so much that I have some of your eBay finds at home! Thanks for all the insights and all the hard work. I will surely have withdrawals for the next few months. Good luck with whatever you choose to do next. Much love from cyberspace!!

Vintage Hunter said...

So sorry to hear that! I have really enjoyed your blog and your decorating style.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Leah, for all of your hard work on your blog. Yours was the first blog that I ever followed and is still my favorite. You gave me great advice on updating my powder room, which I am still working on. Thank you again!

GinaSue said...

Leah, I'm so sorry to see you go. I've been lost without your morning blog for the past few weeks. I feared you weren't coming back, but wanted to keep my hopes up. I just need you to know that your obsessions became my obsessions. You opened my world to so many wonderful things. I honestly don't know what I'll do first thing every morning, other than brush my teeth, of course. I hope you find peace and many beautiful things in your future. Gina in Seattle

Anonymous said...

Soooo sad to hear it---I am a regular reader and I love your voice, picks, vision, etc. Your work will be missed!!

Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad sad sad.......

Kerry said...

Congratulations! Time to move along and start another chapter elsewhere, which I think is a happy, positive thing. Enjoy your success.

Anonymous said...

Good luck in whatever venture awaits you and thanks for the amusement provided by your blog. I'm sorry to see you go.

Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

I'm sorry you are ending your blog. I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your pictures. I hope whatever you do later in life will make you happy.

Anonymous said...

Well good luck in your future endeavors and yes, please, leave it up for awhile so I can save my favorite stuff from it! :)
Happy Non-blogging to you! :D

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading your blog for the last year or so, and will miss all your stylish ways! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Yvonne said...

I'm sorry to hear you're closing down this blog - I'd just found it! But I do hope that through whatever went on, be blessed on your life's journey. :)

Thanks for keeping this up as well - I can catch up!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Leah. Your blog was an absolute delight. -Jennifer said...





Harumph. Bummer for us. And Good for you.

We just re-designed our master bedroom inspired by your dining room rehab. Now we wake up every morning with I-love-this-room grins & stretches. Thank you for that, and all the time you've invested to share your eyes with us here. Please do post the details of your next endeavor, if they are set for public consumption. I'll be one in a drove of fans.

Heart:Home said...

I discovered your blog when I was going through a divorce. I was so sad to be giving up my home and carefully created life there. I was seeking some ideas and encouragement for starting over. Yours was the only blog that really met what I was looking for. I read it every day. Your creativity, vision, and accessible style helped me take the steps to put together a new home (and a new life). Thank you, and good luck in your own next steps.

Blog Author(s) said...

Thank you for your loving contribution to life on Earth.

Leah said...

You guys, seriously -- I had no idea. Hearing from so many of you has made this decision that much more bittersweet.

I wish I had some exciting new plans to announce. The fact is, I'm at a kind of crossroads in my career and in my life right now, and I need a little space from this rather time-consuming labor of love to figure out my next moves.

Thanks again to everyone. Your notes have been so touching, and they mean the world to me.

Anonymous said...

This stinks. I looked forward to the eBay finds and your wonderful blog everyday. I am so bummed (selfishly). I hope you find the time and space and direction that you are in search of...

Anonymous said...

Heartbroken. You have been a joy to pop in to read. Best of luck.

Judy said...

I'm really bummed. I love your blog and I'm so happy that so many people are coming out of the woodwork to tell you how awesome you are. Good luck in everything you do—I'm sure you'll be great!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I'm so sad to see your blog end! It was one of my ABSOLUTE favorites! You will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is/was great and always brightened my day. Thank you so much for all the work you poured into it- and the heart- as I truly appreciated it. Be well.

Anonymous said...

This really does stink. Yours was the first good design blog I found, and although I am still "just anonymous", I read it religiously.

Heather said...

Leah, you probably don't remember from last summer, but you saved my living room! I am truly saddened to see you go.

I know that you have your own reasons for making this decision, but PLEASE don't ever think that, at least from your readers' perspective, it "didn't quite work out." Everyone measures by their own definition, but all of us have taken a little something from your blog that have made our lives better in some small (or big) way. I think by any standards, something certainly worked out. ;)

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share so much with us. I hope whichever way you waste time in the future brings you all the best.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the work on this blog--I found it for the first time when I was a new Oakland resident (you're how I found out about the Parkway!), and became a loyal reader. I learned a lot about Oakland, and A TON about design. This blog turned me onto so many others, and will be greatly missed!

3StinkyBoysAndMe said...

I'm so sad to see you go. You were one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own. You're even on my favorites page. You'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to see you go, I just found this blog a few months ago. I'll have to sit down and soak up your archives. I understand that it can a lot of work to blog on top of all the other things you might be doing in a day. If you ever have the urge to guest blog for kicks, I'd love to have you (I'm a local over in SF, too)!! :-)
thanks for all your entries, I can't wait to catch up on all the ones I've missed!

Penny said...

Thanks for all the work you did on this site. I will be missing it and you. Best of luck as you move forward.

Lauran said...

Hi Leah. I also live in Oakland and I loved reading your take on our little town . . . but I respect your need to figure things out. Maybe you can come back in a few months? Thanks for the fun stuff and cool ideas.

Sputnik said...

Enjoyed you blog! Best wishes to you...

paeonia said...

Double sigh..I'll miss reading your blog but more so I wish you great joy in your future design endeavors!

grumblebunny said...

I weep.

Unknown said...

like so many others I am sad to say goodbye. Yours is one of the few blogs I checked daily. good luck for your future.

Anonymous said...

i've really enjoyed your blog and intend to keep my link to your blog posted on my blog....maybe some day you will come back and continue to be a wonderful source of inspiration and ideas...thanks for inspiring me, maureenlynne

Boxty said...

Sorry to see that you're closing up shop. I always enjoyed your taste in design. I'm also glad to hear you're not scrapping the website entirely. There are so many things I've been meaning to share with my friends from your website and now I'll have to do just that.

Thanks and good luck

jane said...

Gosh, Leah, I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed, and will miss, your blog---it is one of a handful that I read regularly. Thank you for the time and energy you put into this, and if you ever come back please point us in your (new) direction somehow.

Wishing you all the best,


Anonymous said...

Leah:I, too, will miss your blog. It was fresh, creative, and always presented with an artists eye.

With your talent and determination, I can visualize a bright future in whatever path you choose. I'm only sorry--for myself and your other readers--that we won't be there to share in your triumphs. They would (vicariously, to be sure) be our triumphs, too.

Alison said...

I'm another lurker who is sad to see you go! I've been following the blog for a few years now. Good luck in your future endeavors! It's good to reevaluate where things are going from time to time.

Anonymous said...

i am so sad to see you go. this has been a really informational and enjoyable site for me

tula said...

leah, my heart is breaking, breaking, breaking. from the very beginning you have been a source of inspiration and complete joy. thank you for being my friend, thank you for all of the advice, thank you for being so incredibly wonderful and making this world so much prettier and fun.

please keep MWTWT up for awhile! i don't know what i'd do without it :(

to say you will be missed isn't enough. you are deeply loved.


Unknown said...

Oh! I will miss your blog. It has been such an inspiration for me.

Lindsey said...

Sad to see you go, but thank you for the inspiration!

{ Lindsey }

Unknown said...

Aww. Another one sad to see you go, but thanks for all the torment with those eBay finds! No really, I quite enjoyed your blog, and wish you the best in whatever you get up to next.

Marie said...

I too read your blog on a daily basis and am very sad to see you go. Thank you for having provided such a delightful 'way to waste time' and all the best.

Unknown said...

I guess I'll be the next on the list of 140+ to say how much I'll miss your blog. It has always delighted me. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. :(

designgirl01 said...

I'm super sad. I loved your blog!!!! It will be missed dearly. I was a regular reader. I felt as if you were a big sister to me, giving me design advice. I wish you luck with your future endeavors. You have such a good eye!

susie q said...

Leah, I hope that leaving this blog will mean a start of a new and bigger and better adventure. Thank you for all the great reading and eBay finds. You will be sorely missed!

virginia said...

I just checked in to see if you had returned, and discovered that you had checked out.

I will miss reading your blog, and I gained so much confidence (and learned how to take, edit photos) when you answered YES to my timid "house voyeur" submission. It was one of my biggest thrills, ever, when you featured my home in July '08.

Please leave your blog up, you will enjoy going through it in five years. I will leave your link in my "give me shelter" category, which includes Maison Lunatique. She no longer posts, but left her blog hovering in the blog-o-sphere.

Thank you,

JPM said...

Wow. With a nod of understanding for those times in life when one needs to make a change, let me say, YOU WILL BE MISSED. Yours was the first blog I bookmarked before I even knew there was such a thing as a "design blog". You inspired me to attempt to craft my own (for a few days only--found out it doing it this well or anywhere close to this originally is really time/energy consuming!), and I have checked on you pretty much every day for years I realize now! You have inspired me often, and also often pointed me in a direction that left my pocketbook a little lighter too! :) oh-oh. Big SALUTE to you, and very best wishes for whatever creative thing you go on to do.

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

I understand your decision, but I'm so sad to see you go. I LOVE your's a daily read and I'll really miss it! Best of luck with your plans! :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Another good one gone.

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly sad to see the blog go! I loved all the local art, craft, and design insight and I enjoyed following your family's story of making your house a home. I will truly miss it.

Anonymous said...

just found the site today and am sad to hear that there will be no new additions to look forward to! best of luck.

Hannelore said...

Aww, this makes me sad...

Yours was the first blog I got addicted to and inspired me to start up a blog myself :')

Take care! Hope you come back someday...

LaShaune said...

I really enjoyed your finds and witty words. Best of luck in your new endeavors.

kate (pm) said...

I go on an internet-free vacation and this is what happens?!

I will really miss your blog. It was my inspiration (not to mention great reference) for my trip to Portland late last year.

Best wishes!

Ashleigh Weatherill said...

Good Luck and thanks for leaving it never know, you may return someday.

Laura C. said...

Well, I'd say in terms of the pleasure it has given your readers, this blog was a totally successful venture. I'll miss it, too.

Anonymous said...

From Lili (who was too shy to comment other than anonymously in the past, but who truly enjoyed your work).

Oaktown will miss you, Leah. For those of us who are artists and Oakland residents, you've been especially inspiring. Thank you for your excellent eye, your humor, your vulnerability and your generosity. You are a true champion! Love & light along your journey.

SSB said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog over the last year. I live in New York City but fantasize about raising my family in the East Bay. Thank you for the daydreams. It's been a pleasure to read. Good luck!

Jennifer said...

How sad! I've enjoyed your blog for a long time now. I wish you all the best with your post-MYTWT endeavors and hope to see you on the interwebs again in the future. We'll miss you!

Anonymous said...

as a fellow oakland resident, it was always so great to read about local artists, stores, and all the best things about living here. and, i have to thank you for introducing me to lisa fontanarosa's fabulous collection of art. i bought my husband an anniversary gift that we both absolutely love, and i would have never found it without you! best of luck to you.

f said...

What??!! Nooo.... I love your blog! It filled such a necessary spot out there in the blog world. Won't be the same without you! Will you post here if you start a new blog? Then it'll show up in our feeds and we can come follow you to the next endeavour. I really hope this is just for personal reasons and not for perceived lack of community or interest!
take care of yourself... many thanks for all your hard work here.

Melissa said...

best of luck in your new adventures :)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry you're discontinuing the blog, Leah, I've really enjoyed reading it. Good luck with everything! I'll miss seeing the decorating updates to your home, but I'm sure they'll continue to be both stylish and inventive. And now I'm going to have to do my own eBay trolling...

Malton Moms said...

Leah. This is a SAD SAD day. I think, however, we have all accepted your decision to easily. I am here to persuade, nay, encourage you to continue. I had two businesses and they are draining and yes, it is hard, but to be perfectly honest, I have NEVER seen a website or blog as organized, engaging and put together as yours. Thinking that you have crafted this from scratch is absolutely incredible. I wondered if we can simply walk away from what we are clearly best at. Perhaps, perhaps I pray, you may change your mind. And, as a p.s. - I do think you should offer a series of 'tutorials' on how all us laypeople can find the gems like you do. I stumbled on your site, and visit it all the time, so sad to hear you will fade out of my cyberlife. - Crystal: Poet, Activist, Mother, Revolutionary.

Anonymous said...

Your site is the one that I have referred countless friends to when they say nothing goes on in the East Bay....thanks to you i have rediscovered what an amazing place Oakland and the East Bay are in terms of art and events. I wish you best for what is ahead, and big thanks for all you have contributed!

Janiemei said...

I am very sorry to hear you are ending this blog. This was a favorite of mine, and one I regularly visited. Thank you for doing such a great job, and best of luck to you in your new ventures.

Jo in NZ said...

What else need be said? You were my very first design blog, too (along with Grace at d*s, and AT) and I too loved coming here every morning.

I respect your decision and wish you joy in all new ventures, but please, please -- know that this blog was an enormous success if reader loyalty be the measure!

none said...

I am going to miss your blog SO MUCH! You have inspired me in so many ways. Good luck and I hope you decide to bring it back in the future.

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic blog. I've just discovered it and can't believe you decided to stop writing. :( You have a gift and you are an inspiration to us all. xxx

miriam said...

Oh, my googlereader will not be the same without you. I loved seeing your ebay finds and hope you have lots of fun adventures with whatever the future brings you!

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear this as I have enjoyed reading for the past year. Good luck in your next adventure and I will have to re-read your blog to remember my favourites. Thanks, Pink

Anonymous said...

I'm sad to read that you have stopped blogging. However, I did notice that your Etsy favourites keep changing—that's enough for me to keep coming back to check out MWTWT. Hopefully, one day we'll all see a new post. For now, good luck to you in the future!

Anonymous said...

Hello and goodbye Leah. I only recently came across your blog and have really admired your beautiful writing and of course, all the lovely photos. I felt as if I was in good company on your site.. so goodbye, and good luck from Chris, Western Australia.

Unknown said...

Sorry to see you sign off!!! I've been a faithful reader of your blog for quite some time now via google reader. I found your posts very inspiring! I 'm sure you'll be very happy in your 'new' life. I wish you success and many many joyful days to come!

Данич said...

Yours is one of the first blogs I read every morning. It's one of those rare ones that I would always check and have enjoyed every single post of (well..not counting the sign-offs every Friday perhaps In any way you will most certainly be missed! Hope you will return soon, I believe in that! Many thanks and respect from your most avid Bulgarian reader ;) Yordan

Christine said...

Your blog is an inspiration. Don't dare take it down as it will be a joy for people to stumble upon in the future. Good luck. Your postings will be missed.

Unknown said...

Wish you the very best..please don't feel that your project was a waste of might not have made it to where you wanted or hoped..but it inspired so many people...and that is cool!! Wish the very best in any new project! and please let the blog love for a lonnng never know you might have the urge to write one or two posts down the line!!

Anonymous said...

It is never a waste of time to put your time and heart into something. Feel free to come back though.


Miss Em said...

I've recently been to busy to check your blog but I am saddened by the news! You are responsible for introducing me to my love of everything vintage (especially mid-century which I didn't know existed before) and helped me focus my love for interior design. I have also been playing with the idea of returning to school to get my interior design certification if I can't get a job in my initial field choice! All thanks to you and this lovely blog. I hope you move on to bigger and better things!

Much love and admiration,

Kineret said...

Sorry to read your decision. Your blog is on my top 10 design blogs list (AT, Design*Sponge, designboom...)

I wish you the best of luck, and join others in requesting - Please take a break and come back.

I'm rebuilding and remodeling a 1000 square meters building (12 Apt.) and you have been a great inspiration. Thank you!

Jaffa Israel

Unknown said...

though i knew of your decision, i still got a little teary eyed to read it in print. you really did a fantastic job with MWTWT, and you have all of our gratitude for the chance to waste time with you.

and just in case, i'm gonna keep you on my blogroll. never say never. ;-)

Dylan said...

Leah, I have genuinely loved reading your blog over the years. Good luck wherever your real and virtual adventures take you, and know you'll be missed!


Marieke said...

Oh my!!
I think I've said this before on Blogged, but I'll say it again. Last year I incidentally came across your blog and you inspired me to create my very own blog. You've showed me that today's interior design in America is WAY more interesting, eclectic and stylish than European interiors atm.
I can even say that through your blog and many others since, I eventually rearranged my living room to make it more ME, and give it more of a rich history with vintage goods and lovely modern stuff mixed in with some Ikea bits and pieces. In short: I've learned a helluva lot! ;) Leah, I thank you and wish you all the best.


kelly said...

I think I've only commented one or two times on your blog, but I just wanted to drop by and tell you that your work was thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed here. I will miss your blog.

I'm going to leave you on my RSS feed -- if you ever decide to start something up again, be sure to post it here.

Good luck with all that you do, Leah.

julia wheeler said...

i'm sorry my sad note is coming so late... i've been hoping it was all just a cruel joke. you will SO be missed... you are one of my very favorite bloggers. i wish you the best of luck and am keeping my fingers crossed that you'll come back to help me waste my time some more!
xo san diego songbirds

The Brick Cottage said...

I am so sad to read this. Last year, I googled "attic renovations" and lo and behold, I stumbled across the most beautfil attic I cound never imagine. Then I read thru your entire blog, then It opened my eyes to a whole new world! I had no idea there were home designs blogs and I was soon addicted. Your blog is my first blog love and you will truly be missed. Good luck in your new adventure!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of years and particularly enjoyed it because you showcase events around Oakland. I live in Rockridge. Most of the other design blogs I read are based out of state. I often wondered if you might be standing next to me while I was shopping at the Alameda Flea Market or other places around town. I will miss you.

Little Willow said...

Your voice will be missed in the blogesphere. You have certainly been an inspiration to me! Since moving from the Bay Area to Utah your blog has helped me feel in touch with the places I love and miss daily.
I alos doubt sometimes why I blog since it is a crowded field and I make zero dollars doing it, but it's the community of bloggers like you that help keep me going. I wish you nothing but the best going forward and who knows maybe we'll see you back here sooner than later :-)

Stina said...

This makes me so sad. In my book this has been the best blog on the subject ever. You inspired me to start blogging. I don't know what it is you really wanted to accomplish with your blog since you feel it didn't quite work out but to me and all your other followers - that just doesn't matter. Thank you so much for keeping it up, please leave it up for a long time...

Top Bird @ Wee Birdy said...

But I've only just found you!

Sad to see you go, but thanks for the link. I'll be busy reading your archives now. xx

Vicky's Yard Sale said...

I'm so upset to hear the news! Definitely one of the best blogs out there. Sniff, you will be missed!

Anonymous said...

woaaaahhh no! i just found this awesome site

Unknown said...

this is such sad news! i love your blog, you've done a great job. your ebay finds were by far the best i've seen...good luck in your future endeavors..i hope you come back to the blogosphere soon!

Lynn-Ann Gries said...

Thank you for all the work that went into this fabulous blog. It was one of the best out there. Thank you for personally responding to the various email questions i asked over the months I read the blog. And thank you for UN-deleting everything. This blog is a fantastic design resource. Perhaps you'll consider a return at some point....(she says hopefully...)

Katie said...

I'm a bit late (been very behind on blogs due to some personal changes in the past few weeks), but I just wanted to say I'm sorry to see you go. I have enjoyed your blog very much. You have fueled my Etsy lust and pointed me to many great spots, both here in the Bay Area and in Portland (I'm excited to be going back this October)! I wish you the best in your future pursuits.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for NOT deleting it all, if I can't have my daily fix of MWTWT at least I can use the old posts as a reference!

Best of luck and thanks for all the beautiful, lovely things you've shared and that I've enjoyed looking at over the past year.

Redwood Girl said...

Just another Oaklander who needs more decoration in her life and who loved your blog. :) I am very sad to see you end this blog but I'm grateful you left it up for all you're adoring fans. You clearly have a following and I hope you'll pursue something equally interesting and artsy.

Lisa said...

I also just found you - love your blog so sad - soak up the sadness because you know we are always allowed to change our minds!...perhaps just do a design dilemma blog because man you have a fabulous eye for ideas!

Anonymous said...

Yours is one of the first blogs I read - I saw it mentioned on The Paris Apartment. Thanks for all your time and effort and creativity.
Good luck!

charkstudios said...

Come baaaaaack......I just started reading your blog today. But, I understand completely everyone needs a break.

I post on my blog only once a week, and I felt like a failure for a while for doing so, but I've found a balance that works for me. Looks like you gave inspiration for a lot of people, but you come first!

Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear this!
you will be missed.
(thanks for not deleting the blog after all!)

Mama Feel Good said...

Thank you for all your posts because they have inspired so many of your dedicated readers, myself included! Just had to thank you for reconnecting me with a good friend, Dave, from grain edit. I had lost touch with him for the past few years but found him through your post about his home and grain edit> Good luck with all that you decide to pursue in life after MWTWT!

Unknown said...

I'm so bummed. I just decided to move to Alameda (from Brooklyn) and I was planning to see all of the places that you have written about, which I'll still do, but I was looking forward to more ideas. I've only been there once, I'll need a lot of ideas!!

Best of luck to you and your family and all for all your future endeavors!

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